Week 4: Pillars of Iman (part 2)


Assalamualaikum! Alhamdulillah we meet again by the grace of Allah s.w.t. 

In today’s entry, I will continue from what we have left from the previous post. It is the continuation of the last 3 pillars of Iman. 

#4: Belief in His Messengers

Messengers are human beings chosen from among thousands of humans to communicate with Allah through Angels and revelations and to then convey the messages of God to His servants, and to remind them of their ultimate purpose in this existence, and to guide them towards the Pleasure of God.

#5: Belief in the Last Day (Day of Resurrection)

The Last Day is when everything is going to be eternal. There will be two destinations when the last day starts. Heaven will be for those who chose righteousness in this life, and Hellfire will be for those who chose infidelity and transgression.

أن نسأل الله التوفيق والهداية دائما

#6: Belief in Fate and Destiny whether they’re good or bad

This world is meant to be the home for all trials and tests. That’s why not all incidents are is logical to human understanding. We have the right to choose, but at the same time, we are obliged to believe in Fate and Destiny.

Anything to do with faith is best known through a divine revelation. That’s why Prophets and Messengers were chosen from among us and sent to guide us and teach what we need to know. Thus, best to learn the concept of Iman is from the Prophet Muhammad ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

Components of Iman

The true fact of iman that our beloved Prophet Muhammad brought to us is based on three components, of which if any of it is missing, the iman may not be valid and may not be considered as a genuine one. These three components are:

  1. To believe with the heart;
  2. To confess with the tongue;
  3. And to demonstrate (has been possessed in the heart and uttered with the tongue) in physical action.

In fact, the second and the third parts (components) are true reflections of what the heart is carrying.

والله أعلم. Forgive me if there’s any wrong informations, truly I am still a human being with many imperfections.

Still learning to attain strong Iman,


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